
What Causes Yellow Orchid Leaves and How To Prevent Them From Ruining Your Flowers

Orchid species that are typically bathed in sunlight, or grow in areas which are dry and arid, have thick, very leathery leaves, whereas species that live in shaded areas have long, thin leaves.

The leaves on them generally live for several years, while others shed them annually and grow new ones.

What symptoms is your plant displaying?

  • Are the leaves turning yellow?
  • Do they turn yellow and drop?
  • Do they have any Black Rot? (leaves turn black and watery)

One of the most common ailments with these flowers is the presence of yellow orchid leaves. It could be just a sign that your plant is suffering from old age or it could be something more serious. Don’t worry if it’s only happening to the oldest leaves as they could be just drying off. The leaves tell you a great deal about the overall health of the plant, so it’s important to take note of any changes.

Fungal Infections

If you see irregular bright spots on the leaves, this may be the result of a fungal infection, but does not turn the whole leaf to a goldenrod color. The state of the leaves can tell you a great deal about the overall health of the orchid.

Excess Sunlight

One of the most common causes of yellow leaves is too much light. If you have these plants outside, especially where it’s in the midday sun, it can actually have burn spots on the leaves.

Move the plant to an area of filtered light and it will recover in no time. The leaves, however, will stay blonde and will not turn back to the bright green color. You’ll have bright green leaves again once the plant has recovered and there’s new growth.

Cold Temperatures Causing Sickly Leaves

Another reason for yellowing leaves is cold weather. Orchids do not like the cold so move them away from windows or areas where they are likely to be in a draft. If you have them outside, make sure you bring them inside if the temperature drops below 50 degrees F. They need humidity to promote growth, but remember also that high humidity can cause fungus to grow. The ideal temperature for these flowers to thrive is between 75-90 degrees F during the day and no lower than 55 degrees F at night.

Excess Watering Should Also Be Taken Into Consideration

Although not usually the case, too much watering can also cause yellowing of the leaves, but there will also be evidence of Black Rot as well. The only species that prefers constant damp conditions, is the Vandas, whereas the majority prefer to dry out in between watering. If your plant happens to be one in the majority, don’t water for a week or two and treat the plant with an anti-fungal preparation.

Make sure that the environment surrounding your orchids is toxin free, as fumes from products such as paint or cleaning fluids can also cause yellowing of the leaves.

Not Enough Nitrogen in Planting Medium

Do you have enough nitrogen in your fertilizer? Your plant could be suffering from a nitrogen deficiency which is also a cause for discolored leaves. Repot the plant if you think it’s necessary, and allow the orchid to establish a new root system. Once established, apply a nitrogen-based feed at regular intervals.

While waiting for new roots to develop, feed the foliage on a regular watering cycle of once every two weeks, misting the foliage so that minute water droplets cover the leaves like dew. This will return the foliage to a healthy green.

Watering Orchids Correctly With These Simple Strategies

In order to have thriving orchids that last all year round there are some basic skills that you need to master to accomplish all your goals of growing these wonderful plants. One of the most important techniques in caring for these exotic flowers is to water orchids correctly.

Providing the correct amount of moisture content will result in beautiful, colorful, and magnificent flowers that you can be proud of and show everybody your new found hobby. That is what I am going to discuss in this article, how to dampen them correctly.

One Important and Common Mistake That You Must Avoid at All Costs

One thing you need to know when it’s time to give your plants some more water is every species of these plants has a basic type of process in order to thrive. What I mean by this is that although every type is different and requires different frequencies there are some basic skills to properly supplying enough liquid for any one that you would like to grow.

One mistake that people make when they try to take care of these delicate plants is over-watering them. Many are under the assumption that since they are predominantly found in tropical climates that they need to be consistently moistened. This is simply not true and you need to be careful when applying the correct amount to ensure healthy leaves and flowers.

Here is The First Technique That Can Easily Be Applied To Your Flowers Immediately

One method you can use for this important and specific task is actually letting the plants’ medium to dry out. This is a rare strategy that many people don’t utilize enough and can help the health and vitality of all your plants. Drying out the soil will also reduce the chance of the roots of your plant from getting infected with any diseases or fungi that could potentially harm them.

If you are using this method I would recommend watching your orchids for any sudden changes and if it start to wilt make sure to give it some H2O so that the soil is moist, but not damp. A moist soil is what you should be aiming for when you begin this activity.

Understanding When it is Time for You To Add Water to Your


Another excellent way for checking to see if your plants need an extra soaking is to measure the weight of your plant when you add liquid to them. Make a mental note of how heavy your plant at that moment. When the soil begins to look dry or maybe you need to supply them with some more pick up your pots again and test the weight.

If it feels like it has lost some weight then it may mean that your plants need some more. Supplying them with enough moisture to keep the soil moist and avoid making the medium damp is exactly what you should be aiming for.

These are some tips to keep in mind when you water orchids in your home or garden. Keep these strategies in mind whenever you begin taking care of them now or in the future. Remember that by giving your plants exactly what they need will result in beautiful flowers that will brighten your home.

Using The Best Orchid Soil For Thriving Flowers

One of the reasons that some people think orchids are hard to grow is that they do not grow in regular plant potting soil. Anyone who has not done some research on them or asked enough questions when buying one, could end up easily killing a orchid by applying normal soil/potting methods instead of using proper soil or mixes.

These organisms are epiphytes, and are sometimes referred to as air plants to denote the fact that their roots are not supposed to be packed into soil but left free to air circulation. In their natural environment, such as in the rain forest, they grow on the trunks and branches of trees. They can even grow along the ground with their roots never entering the ground.

Air Circulation at The Core of Producing Vibrant Blossoms

The only reason one of these plants needs anything in its pot at all is really to hold it upright. That is why the materials or medium used to grow them is very light and very porous. There needs to be air circulation around the roots at all times or the plant will never flower. That means that any growing mixture which buries the roots is going to kill the plant.

After people have been growing orchids for a while, they all develop individual recipes which they consider are just right for their planting medium. All of the different substances used in these mixtures have advantages and disadvantages. It really depends on the varieties you are growing and your personal preferences.

Some Things To Do When First Starting To Grow These Plants

One of the best things to do when you are just starting out in this activity is to talk to other people who grow and breed them. They are usually a friendly bunch who will be happy to talk to you about the ins and outs of different substances. Among the most used media for orchids are fir bark chips and redwood bark chips. Most gardeners usually combine at least two or three kinds of soil, such as mixing together fir bark, granular charcoal and sifted perlite.

Organic Materials are Best for This Activity

Also used for cultivating or planting them are coconut fiber or coconut chips, osmunda fiber, clay pellets, and chipped rock. Sphagnum moss and peat moss are also used, but usually with kinds that have a particular need for more moisture. Both of these were used a lot more before the various barks which allowed better air circulation were discovered.

The Importance of Looking at The Size of The Materials

Another consideration when growing them is the size of the pieces used in the medium. Larger chunks allow for more drainage and air, while smaller ones keep in more moisture. If you are just beginning or are the kind of person who tends to over-water plants, start out with something like fir bark chips. You can always change your preferences as you go along. Cork and wood are often used to mount orchids outside.

Some Problems That May Occur When Growing These Plants

If your soil does not have the right texture and water is retained in the medium, what you may notice is that the leaves of the plant start to turn yellow or the bulb starts to shrivel. These are signs of your medium being too wet, but sometimes they are misinterpreted as meaning the plant needs more water. This is the worst thing to do as more water will rot the roots and kill the plant.

Should you have problems these, there are books that can help as well as many forums on the internet dedicated to this subject which you may find useful. Most of the people in these forums are more than happy to answer your questions about anything related to these flowers.

Understanding The Light Requirements for Orchids

There are a few things that are absolutely essential to healthy orchids and the appropriate amount of light is high on the list. This element is necessary for the production of flowers. If you get this part wrong, you will never have a blooming blossoms that you will be proud of. Don’t worry, there is nothing hard about this method and we will give you information on all the basics right here.

The sunshine needs may vary according to which variety you have selected to utilize, but there are some general rules which can be applied to all types. One of the easiest things to remember is that if your plant has soft, wide leaves, it will need an area with more shade than one which has long, slim leaves. The latter will do best with a good amount of radiance throughout the day.

Artificial Light Vs. Sunlight

Most of them can be given either artificial or natural methods as long as they get the correct amount. Usually, if you have your plants inside and away from natural sources, you will need to provide them with twelve hours of florescent every day. Ones that receive natural rays will need different amounts in the winter than in the summer. When the air is cold outside, many people move their plants away from the window. If your flower is getting too much in either the summer or winter, you can solve the situation by covering the window with a sheer curtain.

Adding More Light During The Flowering Process

Plants need extra light when they are ready to flower or flowering. That’s because they receive energy from the daytime sun and they are using a lot more energy when producing flowers. Often, someone will have a plant that is healthy, a nice shade to medium green color, but it never flowers. The reason could be lack of sunshine. They also may be getting just enough to maintain a healthy leaf state, but not enough to give it that extra energy boost it needs to flower.

Tips To Remember When Growing Plants Inside

Many inside orchid plants receive insufficient amount of daytime sun. Sometimes it is better to increase the light inside than it is to put the plants outside during the summer. That’s because the summer sun is going to seem extra warm and overexposure to the sun’s heat can burn the plant. It is not that much different than when a person who has been inside all winter goes out into the sun in the spring and overdoes a good thing by getting sunburned.

Getting Adequate Amount of Sunlight That is Needed

Sunshine also changes as the day goes on so you need to make sure that your flowers are in a window that is facing in the right direction for the most amounts. Lots of times the plant will also need to be very close to the window. A common mistake, especially if you like to have a lot of plants around, is to put too many on the same window sill. While it may not affect some flowers, with these you need to leave plenty of space in between the plants so that none of the leaves are blocked by another plant.

Using Fluorescent Lamps Can also Provide what Your Plants Require

If your orchids are in a room where they are not getting natural light, you need to create the same environment for the plants with artificial ones. In most cases, this means having them on fourteen to sixteen hours every day. Regular bulbs will not do a proper job either. You will need to get fluorescent bulbs to provide enough illumination without giving off too much heat.

If you have one that needs a high amount of light, you might even have to invest in High-Intensity-Discharge (HID) lamps. These are expensive initially but they do not cost a fortune to run. If HID types are on, reflectors might need to be used to prevent them from shining directing into your eyes.

The Knowledge You Need To Start Caring For Orchids Indoors

So you have bought some orchids and you want to learn all about caring for them using simple techniques. Well, you have come to the right place because I am going to discuss how this task is so easy that anyone can do it; even you.

If you want to turn your plants into beautiful and thriving flowers, then you need to read this post to learn how to care for an orchid. So without further ado lets get into the process of growing vibrant plants today.

Watering Orchids

One of the basic things about maintaining these plants is knowing how to correctly water them. Most people like to drench their orchids when they water them and then wait for the medium to dry out before giving their plants anymore. I actually prefer to keep these plants moist and periodically check them to make sure they do not dry out too quickly.

Another method you can use for watering is to check the weight of your pot when you supply it with moisture, then check the weight when they have dried out. This is a great way to find out exactly when to water them again. You can also place your finger about one inch into the top layer of the dirt and test to see if it is moist or dry. If it’s dry then its time to give your plants H2O. If the soil is still moist then you should wait before giving them any more moisture.

Fertilization and Nutrition

Contrary to popular belief they do need to be fed if you want to have beautiful thriving blossoms. The top three nutrients that you need to feed them with are nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium also represented as N-P-K.

These are the basic nutrients that every plant needs to have in order to thrive and bloom. There are some exceptions but, for simplicity we will discuss them as the basic macro-nutrients needed for optimum growth.


Nitrogen is used for the leaves and flowers of all your plants. If you begin to see the leaves turning yellow and becoming stunted in growth, this may be a sign of a nitrogen deficiency. If you happen to put too much nitrogen into the soil it may produce many leaves on your orchid plant, but may also inhibit flowering. Make sure when adding nitrogen you only use the recommended amount for these plants.

Phosphorous For Root Strength

Phosphorous is also another important nutrient in creating the perfect habitat. Phosphorous is a great nutrient for many different things. It’s great for using when you are transplanting them into the ground or into another pot because it helps the orchid roots adjust much quicker to the new medium. Phosphorous also helps the roots become much stronger when you first plant it.

If they happen to have a deficiency you will notice the leaves turning a blue to green discoloration and it may cause your plant to grow very slowly. If there is too much phosphorous then they will face a deficiency of other nutrients such as nitrogen, calcium, and many others.

Potassium for Proper Flower Growth

Potassium is not as an important nutrient as nitrogen and phosphorous is but is worth mentioning especially when caring for these flowers. Potassium is used to keep the cell membrane of the plant intact and strong. It can also be used for more root growth and further production of starch and other sugars. If you happen to have excess potassium then you will most likely have a deficiency of nitrogen, copper, magnesium, calcium, and even iron.

A Few Steps to Repotting or Propagating Your Orchid Plants

If this hobby is important to you then you need to learn all about propagating them correctly as well. Basically propagation is repotting your flowers into a new medium and a new pot. If you notice the roots begin to become crowded inside of the container, then it is time to place them into a new home.

Step #1-Removing Your Plant From the Container

First you need to remove the plant from your pot with care. One thing you can do is to bang the bottom of the container with your hand and this may loosen the roots so you can take out the plant. If not you may have to use a knife to cut it out of the pot being careful that you do not sever any roots or any important parts of this organism.

Step #2-Examine Your Plant Roots

After you have removed the plant from the pot you then need to remove any decaying material on your orchid and discard of it. If the roots happen to be thriving or healthy then you will need to repot it into a larger pot than the original. If there is too much rot then I would suggest planting them into a new container of the same size or smaller depending on how many rotten roots were removed.

Step #3-Placing Your Orchid in its New Container

Once you have placed material at the bottom of the new pot for proper drainage such as Styrofoam peanuts or other materials you can then add the plant into the pot. Make sure to take proper care of the plant and it is at the exact same height it was in the original pot and then you can add some soil.

Make sure to fill the pot all the way up to the top of the new housing. Press firmly down on the medium making sure that the plant is in place and it will not move. If you have to you can place a stake in the pot and tie the stem to keep it growing straight. This also gives your flower more support as well.

Caring for orchids indoors is as easy as can be. All you needed was the right information and you too can begin to have beautiful and amazing looking blossoms that will thrive for many years to come. Now that you know how to take care of them with ease, you can start growing them today.

The Basic Guide To Pruning Orchids

Once the flowers have died, it’s time to start pruning your orchids. This is the time you want to shape and control the size of your plant and can be done periodically throughout the year, or you may choose to do it during Fall or early Winter. Don’t leave it till late winter as you may accidentally remove new flower buds.

Determining When You Should Prune

The first indication that it’s time to trim is when the stalk begins to yellow or brown and you know that it will no longer flower. They can also be cut when the stalks are green, providing you don’t mind losing a few flowers.

Using The Right Equipment for This Simple Process

Hand pruners or shears are generally used for cutting stems no thicker than ¾ inch in diameter. There are two different types of trimmers you can use. Scissor-types, as the name suggests, have a scissor like action, with curved blades overlapping when making the cut. This one is the preferred implement, as it produces a close, clean cut.

The Anvil-type ones have a sharpened upper blade which cuts against a flat surface, but they don’t cut as close as the Scissor-types and are more likely to cut the stems when pruning.

Take These Simple Precautions Before Starting This Task

Be sure to wash your hands, or wear gloves before you start pruning and cut it with either a new or sterile cutting blade, cutting it within an inch of where the flower stalk is. Alternatively, you can remove the end of the blossom stalk to shorten it, but leave enough of a stump for it to flower again.

This should not harm your plant, but some may produce bloom shoots from the nodes of the older blossom stalks. Others may produce new plants from these new shoots, so once their roots are established, they can be removed from the mother plant and repotted.

Some of them don’t do either of the above actions, so it doesn’t hurt the plant if you remove the old bloom stalk. All it means is that you may miss out on new blossoms or a new baby plant.

Certain Plants That Will Need Special Instructions

Dendrobium orchids bloom from the leafless cane, so if you cut it back all the way, you will prevent your plant from blooming again in the future. At the end of the blooming season, Dendrobium and Cymbidium orchids will benefit by having their roots trimmed.

Lift the plant from the pot and if the roots are brown, then they are dead and need to be pruned. Healthy roots have a grayish appearance.

Vandas can be trimmed if their roots are black or yellow, but make sure you don’t cut the green, as they are healthy and have proper water absorption. Potting the Vanda plant is not recommended as they need their roots to spread and will quite quickly outgrow the pot. They can be planted in baskets but once established, they will be very hard to remove.

The flower of the Phalaenopsis orchid should be trimmed off as soon as it begins to wilt. Once the flowering season is over, the plant is ready for pruning. Trim right down to the second node, and If you’re really lucky, regrowth should be immediate.

Seven Steps To Propagating Orchids

Have you ever thought of propagating orchids, but you didn’t know where to start or how to begin with this process? Well this is a very simple and easy chore that needs to be done with these exotic flowers. It is important that your plants are propagated correctly in order to get more beautiful blooms for years to come.

This process involves repotting your plants into new containers that are bigger and have enough room for your overgrowing roots. If you want to continue to get blossoms from your plants, then you are going to need to complete this process to have everlasting blooms that will brighten your home and garden.

The Exact Steps for Successful Propagation

1. Removing the orchid from its pot should be the first priority. Making sure that you do not harm the roots carefully remove it from its old container and place it on some used or old newspaper for the time being.

2. For the most part when performing these steps your plants will have much decaying and old roots that will need to be removed before transplanting it into a new pot. To make this step easier you can use a knife to remove all this matter that has collected on the roots. Be certain that you don’t harm the roots of your plant because any slight damage can severely harm your chances of getting blooming flowers.

3. Sometimes you will find more decaying material on some plants and with others you might not find any or very little. With plants that have much decaying roots or matter you will need to get a smaller pot for your flower. If you have a plant that does not have much decaying matter, then you will need to find a much larger pot for optimum growth.

4. Your flowers will need proper drainage inside of its new home that you will use so make sure that you insert Styrofoam, broken clay pieces, or stones to allow for the proper drainage of water.

5. When it is time to place your plant in its new home you will need to ensure that the plant is at the same level as it was in its previous pot. Add proper medium into the pot and make sure the roots are level with the rim to ensure correct air circulation in the roots.

6. When placing the soil in the pot press firmly on the soil to make sure that you plants will not be able to move or fall out of the pot if a gust of air blows by them. Don’t press down too hard or you will damage the roots of your flowers. Be certain that you will slowly press down and do it very lightly when carrying out this step.

7. To secure the plant in place you can place a stick in the soil and use ties to secure your orchid in the pot. Most of the time you will not have to do this, but this will ensure that your plants are supported correctly.

If you use these steps to propagate your plants, then you will be able to have beautiful flowers that will last and bloom for many years to come. All it takes is knowing exactly how to execute this task you can easily see the benefits rather quickly.

Repotting Orchids Correctly Using These Simple Steps

Sometimes repotting or transplanting orchids is necessary for keeping the life and beauty in these exotic plants from time to time. It doesn’t take that much time to complete and is very easy to do if you have the exact steps that are needed.

The Most Amount of time that this process could take is about 15 to 20 minutes and it could be much shorter once you understand exactly what you are doing. In this article you will learn all the steps that it takes to properly repotting them so that these flowers can thrive and bloom for many years to come.

All The Supplies That You Will Need To Use For Successful Transplanting of Your Orchid

The first thing that you will have to keep in mind is the different materials and supplies that you are going to need in order to properly complete these coming steps. Many tools that you will need include a small shovel, a hand rake, a sharp pocket knife, a pot, and a simple soil mix. You can find most of these supplies in your local hardware or garden warehouse at a pretty decent cost.

Disinfecting and Keeping Your Tools Clean is Critical

When performing these steps you will have to make certain that all the tools are free from bacteria viruses. Some people use bleach to disinfect the tools that they will be using during this process. You will also want to cleanse your hands of any bacteria as well so you don’t spread any disease.

Starting The Process

Take your new pot and place it to the side because you will be using this very soon. Put a little bit of the mix inside of this pot and just enough so that your orchid will have room inside of the pot. Now when removing the previous plant from its pot sometimes it may not want to come out. This is usually caused by leaving the plant to long in this pot or the roots are in there real tight.

You are going to have to take it out in order to successfully begin repotting them, but avoid pulling on the plant. I prefer tapping the bottom of the pot because it will usually loosen up the soil that is inside. If this doesn’t work then you can always break the pot open to get at it.

Checking The Plant’s Roots for any Damage

Once you get the plant out of the pot you will need to inspect the roots to make sure that there are not any dead roots or dying ones. It is okay to remove any old debris that happens to be still attach to your plants.

Old roots are not useful anymore and will not serve much purpose for the new flowers that will emerge. Use the knife to cut off any useless material and clean them as well before placing them in their new home.

Start repotting orchids by taking the flower and putting it inside of the new pot that we prepared beforehand. Now that the plant is inside of the new pot add some more mixture into the pot so that it is filled to the top and pack it down nice and firm to keep the plant secure.

Orchid Mounting: Working with the Orchids Natural Enviornment

In nature, orchids can be found worldwide growing in the strangest places, rocks, bushes, trees or even soils. However, the majority of them are found growing on trees. These particular types are referred to as epiphytes. Epiphytes are not parasites, and they do not derive their nutrients from the tree that they have planted themselves on. Instead, they use the tree simply as support.

If you are an avid grower, or just want to try a different growing experience, you can create your own epiphyte environment at home. Why try to replicate the environment in a manufactured ceramic or terra cotta plant? Instead give your plants the closest to its natural environment and learn how to mount them precisely.

The Material You Need To Use:

An orchid can be placed on almost any type of material. However, the natural materials tend to be the ones that are most aesthetically pleasing. Avoid any material that may have been chemically treated, as they could release potentially harmful toxins in your environment. They can be supported onto almost any naturally porous material, from tree ferns to wooden plaques.

How To Mount an Orchid:

Correctly attaching these specific plants is a fairly simple process. In fact, it can be done in three simple steps.

  • The first thing to do is to soak whichever material you’re using for your flowers overnight (ideally for a minimum of 12 hours). This will give your plant the natural moisture and humidity that it seeks, and will promote the roots to grow into this material.
  • Once the material is nice and moist, tie the plant into the area with fishing lines or twist ties around the root. About 16 inches of fishing line is usually sufficient to insert them to its material.

The easiest way to do this, is to have one end of your fishing line in a S-hook shape. Push the back of the S-hook into the material to be used. With the remaining fishing line, gently wrap the roots of the orchid to the material. Ensure that the ties are tight enough so that the plant remains on the material, but not so tight that they limit the natural aeration that the roots require.

  • Observe the shoots of your plants closely. Once the roots have grown into the fabric, carefully remove the lines or twist ties. Typically this attachment takes about two weeks. When you remove these lines, be careful not to create any damage to the roots itself. Sever only the fishing lines or ties, not the roots.

Maintaining your Mounted Orchid Plant:

Keeping these plants in this state requires a bit more upkeep then a potted one. However, the end result of a beautiful flower in its natural environment will make the work worthwhile.

The largest modification that you will need to make for your flowers is in the area of watering. As the roots of the plant are exposed, they will tend to dry quickly. As a direct result, you will need to increase the amount of watering for your plants. Ideally, one that is attached should be watered on a daily basis. In addition, the will require frequent misting. Misting your orchid mimics the natural humid environment that this plant would have grown in.

Additional Tips for Mounting:

  • Provide frequent aeration: whether with a fan or an open window to ensure that the roots are receiving a continual source of fresh air.
  • Watch the roots for any residue, whether from a fertilizer or soft water, and gently wipe this residue off of the plants.
  • Monitor the leaves for any disease or insect infestation, and treat the plant quickly to avoid the infestation from spreading.

This process is the most natural way to maintain these exotic plants. Although it does require a bit more upkeep, the rewards for nurturing this growing experience make the work worthwhile.

How To Take Care of Orchids Properly by Employing These Simple Tips Today

These deceptively delicate looking plants are relatively simple to take care, with some patience and basic understanding anyone can learn how to take care of orchids.

Tips for Growing Successful Blossoms Today

  1. They love humidity: in the dry winter months, add a dehumidifier
  2. Avoid over watering: water them only when it dries out
  3. Look at the leaves to understand the plant’s needs
  4. If you don’t have enough natural light, florescent lights can simulate the ideal conditions
  5. Almost any type of water will do when taking care of them, however, if you want your orchid to flourish use water processed through reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis water has most of the minerals removed from which will reduce the amount of residue that would remain on the roots.
  6. Avoid any toxins that could occur around these plants, including smoking. Overtime, air pollutants will damage them severely.
  7. To avoid frostbite, move your orchid away from the window during the winter months.

These are a few simple strategies that most gardeners should be aware of when cultivating plants in their home.

How to Water Them Using Simple Methods:

The majority of varieties prefer to dry out in between watering. This being said, carefully monitor them, before watering it. They, like most plants, will be more successful if they are under-watered then if they are over-watered.

When you are taking care of these unique flowers, water the plant at its roots. Try to avoid any water touching the leaves, as they do not like to be wet. If the leaves do get wet, gently wipe them off with a piece of cotton.

Creating the Ideal Air Movement

The roots of orchids thrive from being aerated and there are some fairly simple tricks to give them the natural aeration that it desires. Special containers specifically designed for them, naturally allow the roots to breathe. These pots have holes on their sides, which allow the roots to escape into the external environment. To increase the aeration for your plants, open the window or use a small fan, so that there is continual air flow by their roots.

Mimic the Tropics and Create a Natural Humid Environment

They love naturally humid environments, particularly during their growing season. Thankfully, it is fairly simple to mimic this humid environment and start properly growing these flowers with this simulation. Misting your plant, placing a humidifier in the room or placing them on trays with water and pebbles or gravel will help increase the humidity of your room.

If you do place them on trays, make sure that there is a barrier between the water and the plant itself. The intention of the tray is to increase the humidity in the room not to water the plant. This is the best strategy for properly adding the correct humidity levels into any room of your house instantly.

Transplanting Them Quickly and Easily

They prefer to be pot bound, with their roots being able to reach up into the environment. You will rarely have to transplant your orchids. Most of them only require transplanting once every 2-3 years.

When repotting these flowers, be sure to use a planting medium designed specifically for orchids. Regular potting soil does not provide the necessary aeration for the root system, and will result in slow growth and potential root rot.

If you do need to repot them it is best to do this in the warmer months when the new growth is beginning to appear. When choosing a new container, only go slightly larger than the current pot that they are in. You want to ensure that you provide them with the compressed environment that they thrive in.


One other step that you have to understand when taking care of these plants is applying fertilizer that they require for healthy blooms. Even the best growers, cannot mimic all of the environmental factors that they would naturally find. If you want to encourage blooming and root growth, seek a fertilizer high in phosphorus content.

If you’re seeking overall growth, then choose a more balanced fertilizer. Only fertilize during the periods where you are trying to encourage growth. Like all plants, they need a period of rest, during this period, do not feed your plant.

Orchids are exotic, beautiful plants that are as easy to maintain as any other flowering houseplant. With some basic tools, knowledge, and the right environment, anyone can learn the techniques on how to take care of them correctly. Enjoy each moment of bringing the tropics into your home environment.