Archive by Author | Carl Harrison

Phalaenopsis Orchid Care Made Easy for The Avid Enthusiast

Phalaenopsis orchids are one of the most common flowers among many enthusiasts since they happen to be much easier to grow. If you are looking for one that will produce beautiful and amazing blooms every single year then you will want to grow these extraordinary flowers.

Although these plants maybe much easier to grow than any other of its species, there are some simple basics to cultivating these plants that you will need to acquire to get the most amazing and colorful blooms in your neighborhood.

Looking For These Plants Under a Different Name

Sometimes if you try looking for these flowers in garden shops you may not see them because they are usually under a different name. Most enthusiasts call them “Moth Orchids” because of the shape of its flowers and resemble the wings of a moth.

You can find these plants in most greenhouses as well as garden outlets because they are the most commonly grown flower that many beginners tend to start with and for good reason. It’s always good to start out with an easy plant and once you gain the proper knowledge that is needed, then you can then move on to more difficult ones.

Humidity Levels

Every type including these require an adequate amount of humidity. They are normally found among rain forests where the humidity is very high and this is what they need to thrive correctly.

Make sure that the environment you place them in has at least 80% humidity levels for exact care that these flowers need. During the summer months you shouldn’t have to add any humidity in the atmosphere, but when the cold dry months come around this may be a different story. Using a humidifier is one way to increase moisture in the air.

If you don’t have a humidifier you can use a tray that has stones or gravel and then place water in the tray making sure the gravel is not being covered. Place your plants on top and this will enhance the moisture in the air. Use this strategy to reach the appropriate moisture levels that are needed.


All orchids cannot withstand too much direct sunlight and Phalaenopsis flowers are no different. You need to make sure that your flowers are not exposed to direct sunlight for too long. If you are placing your plants in the window sill it is recommended to place a cloth in front of them to filter out much of the bright sunshine.

If you don’t have any windows or enough sunlight in your home you can always use artificial light. The best types of artificial light are fluorescent light bulbs. These will not allow your leaves to get burned and will give them the proper amount of light needed for healthy plants.


Temperature is another critical element in phalaenopsis care and needs to be used efficiently in order for your plants to flourish. The temperature that your moth orchids must be exposed to is 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are placing your flowers outside you need to make certain that the temperature does not fall below 60 degrees.

Phalaenopsis care requires that you don’t expose them to temperature lower than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep your plants in their proper temperature ranges and you will have beautiful blooms in no time.


The most important element to any type of plant including these is watering. Over-watering and under-watering these plants should be avoided when caring for them. They will tolerate dry conditions much more than wet or damp conditions. To make sure that your plants are not too damp you can dry out the medium so that the top of the soil is dry to the touch.

Once this occurs you can then apply a small amount of water to keep the soil moist but not damp. During the winter time it may take a while for the soil to dry so you can do less frequent watering of these flowers. Using this watering technique can ultimately produce beautiful and wonderful flowers that will last for years to come.

Orchid Mounting: Working with the Orchids Natural Enviornment

In nature, orchids can be found worldwide growing in the strangest places, rocks, bushes, trees or even soils. However, the majority of them are found growing on trees. These particular types are referred to as epiphytes. Epiphytes are not parasites, and they do not derive their nutrients from the tree that they have planted themselves on. Instead, they use the tree simply as support.

If you are an avid grower, or just want to try a different growing experience, you can create your own epiphyte environment at home. Why try to replicate the environment in a manufactured ceramic or terra cotta plant? Instead give your plants the closest to its natural environment and learn how to mount them precisely.

The Material You Need To Use:

An orchid can be placed on almost any type of material. However, the natural materials tend to be the ones that are most aesthetically pleasing. Avoid any material that may have been chemically treated, as they could release potentially harmful toxins in your environment. They can be supported onto almost any naturally porous material, from tree ferns to wooden plaques.

How To Mount an Orchid:

Correctly attaching these specific plants is a fairly simple process. In fact, it can be done in three simple steps.

  • The first thing to do is to soak whichever material you’re using for your flowers overnight (ideally for a minimum of 12 hours). This will give your plant the natural moisture and humidity that it seeks, and will promote the roots to grow into this material.
  • Once the material is nice and moist, tie the plant into the area with fishing lines or twist ties around the root. About 16 inches of fishing line is usually sufficient to insert them to its material.

The easiest way to do this, is to have one end of your fishing line in a S-hook shape. Push the back of the S-hook into the material to be used. With the remaining fishing line, gently wrap the roots of the orchid to the material. Ensure that the ties are tight enough so that the plant remains on the material, but not so tight that they limit the natural aeration that the roots require.

  • Observe the shoots of your plants closely. Once the roots have grown into the fabric, carefully remove the lines or twist ties. Typically this attachment takes about two weeks. When you remove these lines, be careful not to create any damage to the roots itself. Sever only the fishing lines or ties, not the roots.

Maintaining your Mounted Orchid Plant:

Keeping these plants in this state requires a bit more upkeep then a potted one. However, the end result of a beautiful flower in its natural environment will make the work worthwhile.

The largest modification that you will need to make for your flowers is in the area of watering. As the roots of the plant are exposed, they will tend to dry quickly. As a direct result, you will need to increase the amount of watering for your plants. Ideally, one that is attached should be watered on a daily basis. In addition, the will require frequent misting. Misting your orchid mimics the natural humid environment that this plant would have grown in.

Additional Tips for Mounting:

  • Provide frequent aeration: whether with a fan or an open window to ensure that the roots are receiving a continual source of fresh air.
  • Watch the roots for any residue, whether from a fertilizer or soft water, and gently wipe this residue off of the plants.
  • Monitor the leaves for any disease or insect infestation, and treat the plant quickly to avoid the infestation from spreading.

This process is the most natural way to maintain these exotic plants. Although it does require a bit more upkeep, the rewards for nurturing this growing experience make the work worthwhile.

Moth Orchids You Can Start Growing Today

Moth orchids are probably one of the best flowers that all beginners should start growing when they begin this very enjoyable hobby. If you are looking for any easy one that will bloom when it is supposed to then these are the perfect flowers that you should look into growing.

They are some of the most popular types of orchids that are found everywhere and there are thousands of different species that you can choose from as well. If you want to learn all about these interesting plants then you should read the rest of this article so you can get all the information that you need about these incredible plants.


Since most found throughout the world are located in hot and humid places it wouldn’t be a surprise that moth orchids also known as Phalaenopsis are found in similar habitats. They are normally located in regions of Indonesia and the Himalayan Mountains.

As its name suggests when they are fully bloomed which you will see when you start to grow them with the proper care they look like the wings of a moth. They come in a variety of colors including white, purple, pink, and many others depending on the species that you happen to purchase.

Lighting Requirements

Growing these amazing flowers doesn’t have to be difficult with the correct amount of knowledge that you need to know about these flowers. The first thing that you need to know about is the right sunlight that you will need to provide them. They are flowers that should not be exposed to sunlight that is directly shining on their leaves.

Burns or other damage could appear on these plants and this is not healthy for any type of flower. Try using some shade that could block some sunlight that will not be needed and you can also use fluorescent lights for these plants as well.


There are some basic strategies that you will need to use to know when the proper time is to water these plants. When it comes to these flowers saturating them is something that should be done carefully and correctly. You should try not to over-water them since this is unfortunately the number one reason why beginners kill these plants.

It is very tempting to moisten them when they don’t look that good, but sometimes it is because they are already watered too much. Try letting the plant medium to dry out a little bit before you begin to water them again. Keep an eye on them and when the soil begins to dry out too much start irrigating them again. During some of the cooler months you will not have to water them as much which is something important for you to know.

Humidity Is the Key

The main element that most are deprived from in many beginners’ homes is the amount of humidity they need. This is something that can easily be added to your plants by just placing a tray with water and gravel underneath them without having to purchase a humidifier.

Use a hydrometer to measure the amount in the air and make sure it is between 60-80% humidity. This is how you can get your moth orchids to bloom and thrive for years to come.

Miltonia Orchids Make a Statement

Orchid enthusiasts are wild about Miltonias. The genus contains some 12 species of exotic, broad-lipped flowers that make excellent focal points for any home. They are easy to grow and are readily available in most gardening shops. They’ve increased in popularity in recent years due to advances in hybrid technology; hybrids grow bigger, stronger and faster than ever before.

Some Information on Miltonias

This genus sometimes confused with Miltoniopsis, a genus that is often called “pansy orchids” because of the big, pansy-like blooms its plants produce. Most people call these plants pansy plants too, which can be confusing for beginner growers.

It’s true that some of these flowers have markings similar to pansies, but the resemblance is more striking in the Miltoniopsis plants. Regardless, it’s good to be aware that these flowers are sometimes incorrectly labeled as previously stated.

Simple Plants To Grow With Minimal Maintenance

They are easy to grow and have long-lasting blooms, so they’re perfect for a beginning orchid gardener who wants a big payoff for less work. But be warned: although Miltonia plants are easier to grow than many varietals, they’ll still be a challenge to people used to maintenance-free houseplants. As with all of them, soil quality, humidity levels, temperature and sunlight intensity need to be monitored for optimal results.

Where are They Most Likely to be Found?

Miltonia orchids are epiphytes, meaning that in the wild they grow in the crevices of trees high off the ground. Therefore, they should be potted in materials similar to their native environment. A bark or moss mix would do well. Otherwise, most local garden stores carry a general mix for epiphytes; this is a foolproof solution for your plants.

Using Sunlight and Crucial Temperature Controls for Optimum Health

Moderate sunlight and medium temperatures are ideal conditions for these plants. If you’re going to grow yours indoors, place it near a window that can open to ensure proper air flow. It’s a good idea to drape a translucent piece of fabric over your window so the flower isn’t subjected to strong, direct light.

Like most, the Miltonia type likes moderate temperatures that fluctuate from day to night. A warm 75 degrees Fahrenheit is preferred for daytime; at night, this number drops to 65 degrees. In most houses, positioning your plant near a window is all you need to do to take care of this recommended temperature change.

Changing The Humidity Levels To Suit Your Plants Needs

Humidity is another concern when growing any type of orchid. Most houses maintain a natural humidity that is comfortable for the plant, but if you live in an especially dry area, you may need to invest in a humidifier. Ideal humidity levels are between 70 and 80 percent.

Cutting Back on Watering During the Cold Season

Unlike some other plants, Miltonias are active year round. This means you don’t have to worry about drying out the roots during the winter months. You will have to cut back on watering when it’s cold outside, however. During the winter, watering your plant once a week in the morning should be perfect. In summer, increase watering frequency to twice daily.

If you’re prepared to put in a little work, they could be the perfect flower for you. They are more forgiving than other types of plants, so if you accidentally over water or leave your windows open overnight, they should recover.

They’re great for first time orchid growers new to the game. The gorgeous blooms last for weeks and display big petals filled with color. These flowers won’t leave you disappointed.

Learn the Language of Your Orchid Leaves

When we look at an orchid, we are amazed by their beautiful delicate flower and their exotic appearance. However, perhaps the most amazing thing about this plant is not the flowers, but its’ leaves.

This part of the plant can tell a story. They will tell the observer if the flower is healthy, receiving adequate amount of light and water. They will even tell you if the plant is too cold or hot. To fully understand an orchid, you need to understand the language of the foliage.

Relationship Between Light and Leaflets:

The exact light requirement of these plants will depend on the variety that you have. However, if you’re not certain of your variety, all you need to do is carefully monitor the blades of your plant. The first thing that you need to know is the normal appearance for the plant. In ideal conditions the foliage of the plant should be light, bright green in color. Any variation in this color could indicate that they are missing one of its’ basic requirements.

Dark Green Leaves:

Dark green petals are a sign that your plant is not getting enough light. They may still appear to be healthy, and new growth may be occurring; however in low light conditions your plant may not flower.

To meet their light requirements, move them to a sunnier area, supplement the natural light with florescent light or open up those curtains.

Sunscreen Required

If they are turning yellow or have a red hue, then ouch, your orchid may be getting sunburn. The easiest solution to this problem is to reduce the amount of light that your plant is receiving. Although most of them like the sunlight, they prefer the light to be filtered. Add a light curtain to the room to filter the light, limit the amount of artificial light, or find an area in your home which offers a bit more shade.

Another hint to finding the right amount of light is by looking at the types of leaflets that your orchids have. Ones with thick, leathery leaflets with a wax like covering tend to like a bit more light. If your flower has long, thin, blades it may require a shadier environment.

Wrinkly Orchid Leaves are Not a Sign of Aging:

If the foliage of your plant are wrinkly this is a sign that you are not meeting the watering needs of your plant. The plant could be getting either too much or too little water. So how will you know what to do? Check the roots of the plants. If you have an expansive root system, and they seem to be dry, firm and white or tan in color, you may need to water them. If the roots are mushy, you’ve over-watered your plant and its experiencing root rot. Trim off the rotted parts, remove as much growing medium as possible and replant the plant in dry growing medium.

Hint: When watering any of them avoid putting water on its foliage. This part of the plant does not like to get wet. If the water accidentally splashes on them, dry them off right away.

It’s Too Cold in Here:

Have you ever seen foliage with sections that are black and rotted? Some assume that rotting means over-watering, but in this situation, that is not the case. The orchid is frost bitten. This could happen from being too close to a cold window or a dramatic drop in temperature. If you notice that the temperature around your plant is becoming chilly, remove the plant from this area. Cooler temperatures can seriously damage or even destroy your plant.

Disease and Insects:

If you see any other types of distortions to the leaflets of your plant, these may be early signals of a disease or an insect problem. Bring a photograph of your plant to your local garden center, and they will help you to diagnose if the plant has contracted a specific illness.

The leaves are natural story tellers. When maintaining these organisms, closely observe this part of the plant and try to decipher its’ individualized story. No two plants are exactly alike, but by understanding their communication method we can help each one flourish. With these simple tips you should be able to determine what your flower needs and what is ailing your beautiful plant.

Jewel Orchids Beautiful Leaves Sparkle

For most people, the word “orchid” brings to mind exotic flowers with tall stems and sweet fragrances. Therefore, you might be surprised to hear that one of the most popular varietals is grown for its leaves, not its blooms. The Jewels’ leaves boast complex vein patterns, which can appear to glitter in the light. The effect is astonishing, reducing the plant’s spindly flowers to a background feature. They are mostly all about the foliage.

The Locality of These Sparkling Flowers

They are considered terrestrials, and they’re found the world over. Many of them are sold as inexpensive house plants. In fact, you may have a potted one of these unique plants in your home and not even know it! Often buyers don’t know they’re purchasing an orchid because the plants are inexpensive and usually flowerless. And unlike others, these come potted in thick soil.

The Most Common Type That You Have Probably Seen Before

The most common variety of this orchid, Ludisia discolor, has fleshy leaves with pink or red veins. This species is native to Indonesia, but has become ubiquitous in the west in recent years. In the springtime, almost every garden and home improvement store has trays of Ludisias for sale.

Other varieties are less common; some of these have features like hairy leaves, blood-red flesh or multicolored veins. The term “jewel orchid” actually refers to multiple genera, so there’s huge variety within the group.

Harvesting of Wild Flowers

Although Ludisia plants are rampant, some of them are quite rare. This is due in part to the method of collecting them. Often times, sellers will harvest wild plants; since their life cycle is very long, many rare ones are collected before they can reproduce. Luckily, heightened awareness about the precarious state of the orchid world had led to an increased conservation effort in recent years.

Wild jewels are still not prevalent, but they’re no longer near impossible to find. If you are fortunate enough to find one of these flowers in the wild, it will probably be located in a humid, shady place near a tree or rock. They’re difficult to spot from far away because of their herb-like appearance.

How Easy it is for Anyone to Grow These Flowers?

They are easy to grow; they are an ideal plant for beginning gardeners and for enthusiasts alike. All it takes to care for most varieties is about 75 percent humidity, low light and temperature with about a 10 degree Fahrenheit differential between day and night. Most people can grow these flowers in their kitchens, bathrooms or temperature-controlled laundry rooms without problems. If you’d prefer, using a terrarium is another good method to growing them successfully.

Cultivating a Wild one Using This Method

It’s easy to cultivate a new plant from an existing jewel. Just take a cutting with a part of the rhizome intact and insert it in moss or water. A new root system should develop in a week or two. Use this method if you come across one of these plants in the wild. Taking a cutting instead of the whole plant will help keep these beauties around for generations.

The next time you’re in the market for an attractive house plant, think about these flowers. They may not have show-stopping flowers, but they’re striking just the same. Their sparkling leaves can spruce up any space. Best of all, these little plants are affordable; a small one should retail at less than $10. All around, jewel orchids are good bets.

How To Take Care of Orchids Properly by Employing These Simple Tips Today

These deceptively delicate looking plants are relatively simple to take care, with some patience and basic understanding anyone can learn how to take care of orchids.

Tips for Growing Successful Blossoms Today

  1. They love humidity: in the dry winter months, add a dehumidifier
  2. Avoid over watering: water them only when it dries out
  3. Look at the leaves to understand the plant’s needs
  4. If you don’t have enough natural light, florescent lights can simulate the ideal conditions
  5. Almost any type of water will do when taking care of them, however, if you want your orchid to flourish use water processed through reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis water has most of the minerals removed from which will reduce the amount of residue that would remain on the roots.
  6. Avoid any toxins that could occur around these plants, including smoking. Overtime, air pollutants will damage them severely.
  7. To avoid frostbite, move your orchid away from the window during the winter months.

These are a few simple strategies that most gardeners should be aware of when cultivating plants in their home.

How to Water Them Using Simple Methods:

The majority of varieties prefer to dry out in between watering. This being said, carefully monitor them, before watering it. They, like most plants, will be more successful if they are under-watered then if they are over-watered.

When you are taking care of these unique flowers, water the plant at its roots. Try to avoid any water touching the leaves, as they do not like to be wet. If the leaves do get wet, gently wipe them off with a piece of cotton.

Creating the Ideal Air Movement

The roots of orchids thrive from being aerated and there are some fairly simple tricks to give them the natural aeration that it desires. Special containers specifically designed for them, naturally allow the roots to breathe. These pots have holes on their sides, which allow the roots to escape into the external environment. To increase the aeration for your plants, open the window or use a small fan, so that there is continual air flow by their roots.

Mimic the Tropics and Create a Natural Humid Environment

They love naturally humid environments, particularly during their growing season. Thankfully, it is fairly simple to mimic this humid environment and start properly growing these flowers with this simulation. Misting your plant, placing a humidifier in the room or placing them on trays with water and pebbles or gravel will help increase the humidity of your room.

If you do place them on trays, make sure that there is a barrier between the water and the plant itself. The intention of the tray is to increase the humidity in the room not to water the plant. This is the best strategy for properly adding the correct humidity levels into any room of your house instantly.

Transplanting Them Quickly and Easily

They prefer to be pot bound, with their roots being able to reach up into the environment. You will rarely have to transplant your orchids. Most of them only require transplanting once every 2-3 years.

When repotting these flowers, be sure to use a planting medium designed specifically for orchids. Regular potting soil does not provide the necessary aeration for the root system, and will result in slow growth and potential root rot.

If you do need to repot them it is best to do this in the warmer months when the new growth is beginning to appear. When choosing a new container, only go slightly larger than the current pot that they are in. You want to ensure that you provide them with the compressed environment that they thrive in.


One other step that you have to understand when taking care of these plants is applying fertilizer that they require for healthy blooms. Even the best growers, cannot mimic all of the environmental factors that they would naturally find. If you want to encourage blooming and root growth, seek a fertilizer high in phosphorus content.

If you’re seeking overall growth, then choose a more balanced fertilizer. Only fertilize during the periods where you are trying to encourage growth. Like all plants, they need a period of rest, during this period, do not feed your plant.

Orchids are exotic, beautiful plants that are as easy to maintain as any other flowering houseplant. With some basic tools, knowledge, and the right environment, anyone can learn the techniques on how to take care of them correctly. Enjoy each moment of bringing the tropics into your home environment.

How To Provide Your Orchids With The Right Amount of Fertilizer

In the wild, orchids get their nutrients in rainwater, from bird droppings or from surrounding rocks and minerals. In your home environment though, yours will find less of these and will need a simple fertilizer. Though the potting mixture you use will provide some of what they need, you must provide them with the minerals they crave. Some minerals are easily depleted and need to be replenished.

Macro-nutrients N-P-K

These include (N) nitrogen, (P) phosphorus, and (K) potassium. Different kinds of combinations of these are available, and you can you can get them in different forms, such as liquid, or crystals to dissolve. Most agree that an inorganic fertilizer that contains mineral salts and which are soluble in water are the best. Most growers think that the phosphorus is what causes the plants to grow, but too much can prohibit blossoming. If you lesser the nitrogen or increase potassium your plants will have more blossoms.

What These Elements Can Do For Your Blooms

These minerals provide for different stages in your orchid’s growth and development. For example, potassium aids in fruit and flower production, as is phosphorus. Nitrogen is important in the early development of the plant, and the plant needs more of it, especially if wood is part of your mixture because the wood breaks down bacteria that the plant needs. The proportions of the minerals, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium should be 30-10-10.

During winter your flowers will go into their dormant phase when they will stop growing and stop producing flowers. You should provide food and water less frequently at this time because they plant needs to rest.

Here are the simple steps in providing fertilizer to your plants:

  • Make sure you have chosen the correct product for your plant. Your gardening shop can help you with this. Never use regular plant fertilizer because they contain urea and ammonia which your flowers can’t use and could potentially kill it.
  • Use a half to one quarter of what the package tells you. This is because salts build up. You should flush them out regularly with warm water.
  • Water your plant well before adding the dissolved fertilizer.
  • Never put dry types on your orchid. It is very powerful and will kill it. Always apply it in liquid form.
  • Pour the solution directly on the plant, not on the roots. It will penetrate to the roots.
  • Be absolutely certain that you drain all the left-over water off the plant in order for the roots to dry back out. Only then should you put the plant back in its decorative container.

Interesting Facts Regarding Orchids:

Did you know that the ones considered endangered, are harvested illegally in Tanzania and Zambia and their roots are made into a kind of meatless sausage?

In Borneo there are between 2500 and 3000 exotic species exceptional for their scent and beauty that are all becoming extinct because of deforestation?

Harvard has found bee pollen that suggests that orchids date back 80 million years!

How To Grow Orchids Successfully Starting Today

So you have decided that you want to learn how to grow orchids and you have come to this article. Well you’re in luck because that is exactly what you will discover in this interesting article for all types of enthusiasts.

If you are new to growing these interesting plants, then you are going to have to read this article in order to discover the secrets to properly cultivating them the right way. There isn’t much to planting these exotic flowers you just need to have the right knowledge and information to be successful at it.

Selecting The Perfect Soil Mix For Your Plants Today

Now that you want to learn truth about growing these flowers successfully, the first thing that is required for these plants is using the necessary soil needed for optimum growth. They are sensitive plants and will need soil that consists of not only organic materials but inorganic as well. Some types of organic materials that are used with these flowers are coconut husks, redwood bark, tree fern fiber, and sphagnum moss.

You also have a choice of using inorganic matter as well that includes charcoal, lava rock, alifor, and pearlite. Separately these materials are sort of useless to your orchid plants, but when they are combined they can give amazing life and beauty to these tropical flowers. The best way is to go to your local garden center and purchase a bag of commercially made soil that has the exact mixture that is needed to grow beautiful blooms.

Light is the Key Source for Getting These Plants to Blossom

Light is a main factor in the survival and health of your new plants. If you want to learn how to grow them you are going to have to know exactly the best places to cultivate your flowers. They are very particular when it comes to sunlight because they need it to create amazing blooms, but they don’t want too much of it. Too much can cause problems with the leaves such as sun burn. Their natural environment is in tropical areas that have very tall trees that would normally block out most of the sun’s harmful light.

This is something that you will have to simulate. Create an environment that shields your flowers from the sun such as a piece of cloth or even sometimes a curtain can do the trick. Some people actually leave their flower in the shade for the entire day and it keeps them healthy. If all else fails you can use artificial light to grow them.

Watering Can be Easy With The Correct Process

A common misconception about growing these flowers is that you have to give them plenty of water in order to get beautiful and colorful blossoms. You first must understand that watering is crucial but it is not necessarily a good thing to have too much. It is actually much healthier for your plant to have less than is needed. Why is this? Well for one reason disease, bacteria, and fungus thrive in wet and cool conditions so if you dry out your plants there will be virtually no trace of any of these elements.

It also makes it much easier for you to know exactly when to water them. Place your finger down into the soil to find out if the soil underneath is moist. If it is moist you will not have to add H2O at the moment. It doesn’t matter if the top is dry it only counts if where the roots are water is present. This is exactly how you should begin cultivating them correctly whether it is indoors or outdoors. These strategies will work for both conditions.

Now that you know the exact steps to having beautiful blooms in your home, it is time for you to choose the proper flowers that you want to have flourishing in your house today.

How To Care for Orchids With These Seven Easy To Implement Strategies

Orchids rate amongst the most beautiful plants in the world, so knowing how to care for them is an important task. They are a very resilient plant and are found growing in many different areas of the world. They’ve been found thriving in jungles, the tundra, rain forests, grassy plains, deserts and swamps.

Learning the facts about caring for them is not that difficult and I am going to show you how easy it is to cultivate beautiful blossoms that will last for a long time.

Five Factors You Must Consider

Before you decide to grow them in your home there are a few things to consider first, such as lighting, temperature, the amount of moisture in the air along with air circulation, and finally, deciding where to plant them. To look after your plants correctly, you must have a system in place particularly for the different seasons. In order to understand what your flowers need you must know these 5 points:

  • Watering
  • Fertilizing
  • Sunlight exposure
  • Temperature Control
  • Correct growing material

How Watering Can be Accomplished Very Quickly and Easily

As the seasons change, so does the watering schedule. Plants will not need watering as much in Fall or Winter as they will in Spring and Summer. As a general rule of thumb, begin dampening orchids every 5 – 10 days, but in summer you will have to adjust your watering schedule. Remember that all they need is shade during the middle of the day. This is the cornerstone of precisely caring for them the right way.

Fertilizing is Not as Difficult as it Seems

Orchids, like most plants, need fertilizers, that primarily contain Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K) to produce vibrant, healthy flowers. There are two types available, organic and non-organic. They depend on the suns’ rays to convert minerals into sugars, which are absorbed through their roots.

The lack of mineral supplements will result in non-flowering plants. By following the directions on how to apply the plant food properly you will avoid the possibility of over–fertilizing and damaging your plant. Generally most of them need fertilizing once a month.

Sunlight Exposure

For those who want to know how to take care them you must understand the lighting requirements. Make sure they are not exposed to direct sunlight which can harm them, causing them to suffer sunburn and deplete their food reserves. The first indications of too much sun is yellow leaves or ones that are tinged with red.

One indication of not enough sunlight, is if the leaves are not a bright green. The leaves will be a moderate to light green color if they’re getting enough light.

Whether you are cultivating them outdoors or indoors, make sure you know the secrets of light by exposing them to only filtered sunlight. This will give you amazing results in the end which you will be glad you did.

Keeping Temperature Constant in Your Home

If you are going to care for an orchid indoors, make sure you take them outside on a regular basis so they can enjoy exposure to sunlight. Make sure you move them away from windows as the temperature near the window can drop between 15-20 degrees F cooler than the overall room temperature. People who don’t know how to care for orchids will usually leave them outside to long and they wonder why they end up dying overnight.

They are not as fussy as we are sometimes led to believe. They easily adapt to the temperature in a home or a greenhouse. The first signs of the temperature being too low is when the leaves turn a dark green color and become mushy. If it’s too high the leaves look as though they’ve been sunburned.

Humidity Exposure is Crucial in the Life of an Orchid

For the plant to produce long lasting beautiful blooms, the humidity has to be around 60-80%. If the humidity drops then the use of a humidifier can help maintain the levels.

Keeping The Air Circulating

Air circulation is another factor of in producing amazing blooms that should be discussed briefly. To control air movement, particularly if you’re planting them indoors, the easiest way is to open a door or use a small fan to circulate the air.

Growing Material

When growing any type you need to have the correct size pot especially if you are considering propagation. If you plant one of them in a pot which is too small, you are compromising the health of the flower. They need air circulation around the roots to thrive properly, so a pot made from wire, plastic, mesh or wood would be suitably adequate.

Orchids should only be repotted if it’s absolutely necessary. Some varieties don’t need repotting at all, as they don’t like being disturbed.
These plants need a different mix of materials for them to grow strong and healthy, which you can make yourself. They consist of two types, Organic Fibers and Inorganic Materials.

  • Organic Fibers choices are Fir Bark, Redwood Bark, Coconut Husks, Sphagnum Moss and Tree Fern Fiber
  • Inorganic Materials consist of Charcoal, Lava Rock, Alifor, Pearlite and Turface

Mix them all together and you have your own potting mix! You have now discovered the precise instructions for caring for orchids.