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The Knowledge You Need To Start Caring For Orchids Indoors

So you have bought some orchids and you want to learn all about caring for them using simple techniques. Well, you have come to the right place because I am going to discuss how this task is so easy that anyone can do it; even you.

If you want to turn your plants into beautiful and thriving flowers, then you need to read this post to learn how to care for an orchid. So without further ado lets get into the process of growing vibrant plants today.

Watering Orchids

One of the basic things about maintaining these plants is knowing how to correctly water them. Most people like to drench their orchids when they water them and then wait for the medium to dry out before giving their plants anymore. I actually prefer to keep these plants moist and periodically check them to make sure they do not dry out too quickly.

Another method you can use for watering is to check the weight of your pot when you supply it with moisture, then check the weight when they have dried out. This is a great way to find out exactly when to water them again. You can also place your finger about one inch into the top layer of the dirt and test to see if it is moist or dry. If it’s dry then its time to give your plants H2O. If the soil is still moist then you should wait before giving them any more moisture.

Fertilization and Nutrition

Contrary to popular belief they do need to be fed if you want to have beautiful thriving blossoms. The top three nutrients that you need to feed them with are nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium also represented as N-P-K.

These are the basic nutrients that every plant needs to have in order to thrive and bloom. There are some exceptions but, for simplicity we will discuss them as the basic macro-nutrients needed for optimum growth.


Nitrogen is used for the leaves and flowers of all your plants. If you begin to see the leaves turning yellow and becoming stunted in growth, this may be a sign of a nitrogen deficiency. If you happen to put too much nitrogen into the soil it may produce many leaves on your orchid plant, but may also inhibit flowering. Make sure when adding nitrogen you only use the recommended amount for these plants.

Phosphorous For Root Strength

Phosphorous is also another important nutrient in creating the perfect habitat. Phosphorous is a great nutrient for many different things. It’s great for using when you are transplanting them into the ground or into another pot because it helps the orchid roots adjust much quicker to the new medium. Phosphorous also helps the roots become much stronger when you first plant it.

If they happen to have a deficiency you will notice the leaves turning a blue to green discoloration and it may cause your plant to grow very slowly. If there is too much phosphorous then they will face a deficiency of other nutrients such as nitrogen, calcium, and many others.

Potassium for Proper Flower Growth

Potassium is not as an important nutrient as nitrogen and phosphorous is but is worth mentioning especially when caring for these flowers. Potassium is used to keep the cell membrane of the plant intact and strong. It can also be used for more root growth and further production of starch and other sugars. If you happen to have excess potassium then you will most likely have a deficiency of nitrogen, copper, magnesium, calcium, and even iron.

A Few Steps to Repotting or Propagating Your Orchid Plants

If this hobby is important to you then you need to learn all about propagating them correctly as well. Basically propagation is repotting your flowers into a new medium and a new pot. If you notice the roots begin to become crowded inside of the container, then it is time to place them into a new home.

Step #1-Removing Your Plant From the Container

First you need to remove the plant from your pot with care. One thing you can do is to bang the bottom of the container with your hand and this may loosen the roots so you can take out the plant. If not you may have to use a knife to cut it out of the pot being careful that you do not sever any roots or any important parts of this organism.

Step #2-Examine Your Plant Roots

After you have removed the plant from the pot you then need to remove any decaying material on your orchid and discard of it. If the roots happen to be thriving or healthy then you will need to repot it into a larger pot than the original. If there is too much rot then I would suggest planting them into a new container of the same size or smaller depending on how many rotten roots were removed.

Step #3-Placing Your Orchid in its New Container

Once you have placed material at the bottom of the new pot for proper drainage such as Styrofoam peanuts or other materials you can then add the plant into the pot. Make sure to take proper care of the plant and it is at the exact same height it was in the original pot and then you can add some soil.

Make sure to fill the pot all the way up to the top of the new housing. Press firmly down on the medium making sure that the plant is in place and it will not move. If you have to you can place a stake in the pot and tie the stem to keep it growing straight. This also gives your flower more support as well.

Caring for orchids indoors is as easy as can be. All you needed was the right information and you too can begin to have beautiful and amazing looking blossoms that will thrive for many years to come. Now that you know how to take care of them with ease, you can start growing them today.

How To Care for Orchids With These Seven Easy To Implement Strategies

Orchids rate amongst the most beautiful plants in the world, so knowing how to care for them is an important task. They are a very resilient plant and are found growing in many different areas of the world. They’ve been found thriving in jungles, the tundra, rain forests, grassy plains, deserts and swamps.

Learning the facts about caring for them is not that difficult and I am going to show you how easy it is to cultivate beautiful blossoms that will last for a long time.

Five Factors You Must Consider

Before you decide to grow them in your home there are a few things to consider first, such as lighting, temperature, the amount of moisture in the air along with air circulation, and finally, deciding where to plant them. To look after your plants correctly, you must have a system in place particularly for the different seasons. In order to understand what your flowers need you must know these 5 points:

  • Watering
  • Fertilizing
  • Sunlight exposure
  • Temperature Control
  • Correct growing material

How Watering Can be Accomplished Very Quickly and Easily

As the seasons change, so does the watering schedule. Plants will not need watering as much in Fall or Winter as they will in Spring and Summer. As a general rule of thumb, begin dampening orchids every 5 – 10 days, but in summer you will have to adjust your watering schedule. Remember that all they need is shade during the middle of the day. This is the cornerstone of precisely caring for them the right way.

Fertilizing is Not as Difficult as it Seems

Orchids, like most plants, need fertilizers, that primarily contain Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K) to produce vibrant, healthy flowers. There are two types available, organic and non-organic. They depend on the suns’ rays to convert minerals into sugars, which are absorbed through their roots.

The lack of mineral supplements will result in non-flowering plants. By following the directions on how to apply the plant food properly you will avoid the possibility of over–fertilizing and damaging your plant. Generally most of them need fertilizing once a month.

Sunlight Exposure

For those who want to know how to take care them you must understand the lighting requirements. Make sure they are not exposed to direct sunlight which can harm them, causing them to suffer sunburn and deplete their food reserves. The first indications of too much sun is yellow leaves or ones that are tinged with red.

One indication of not enough sunlight, is if the leaves are not a bright green. The leaves will be a moderate to light green color if they’re getting enough light.

Whether you are cultivating them outdoors or indoors, make sure you know the secrets of light by exposing them to only filtered sunlight. This will give you amazing results in the end which you will be glad you did.

Keeping Temperature Constant in Your Home

If you are going to care for an orchid indoors, make sure you take them outside on a regular basis so they can enjoy exposure to sunlight. Make sure you move them away from windows as the temperature near the window can drop between 15-20 degrees F cooler than the overall room temperature. People who don’t know how to care for orchids will usually leave them outside to long and they wonder why they end up dying overnight.

They are not as fussy as we are sometimes led to believe. They easily adapt to the temperature in a home or a greenhouse. The first signs of the temperature being too low is when the leaves turn a dark green color and become mushy. If it’s too high the leaves look as though they’ve been sunburned.

Humidity Exposure is Crucial in the Life of an Orchid

For the plant to produce long lasting beautiful blooms, the humidity has to be around 60-80%. If the humidity drops then the use of a humidifier can help maintain the levels.

Keeping The Air Circulating

Air circulation is another factor of in producing amazing blooms that should be discussed briefly. To control air movement, particularly if you’re planting them indoors, the easiest way is to open a door or use a small fan to circulate the air.

Growing Material

When growing any type you need to have the correct size pot especially if you are considering propagation. If you plant one of them in a pot which is too small, you are compromising the health of the flower. They need air circulation around the roots to thrive properly, so a pot made from wire, plastic, mesh or wood would be suitably adequate.

Orchids should only be repotted if it’s absolutely necessary. Some varieties don’t need repotting at all, as they don’t like being disturbed.
These plants need a different mix of materials for them to grow strong and healthy, which you can make yourself. They consist of two types, Organic Fibers and Inorganic Materials.

  • Organic Fibers choices are Fir Bark, Redwood Bark, Coconut Husks, Sphagnum Moss and Tree Fern Fiber
  • Inorganic Materials consist of Charcoal, Lava Rock, Alifor, Pearlite and Turface

Mix them all together and you have your own potting mix! You have now discovered the precise instructions for caring for orchids.