Tag Archive | water an orchid

Watering Orchids Correctly With These Simple Strategies

In order to have thriving orchids that last all year round there are some basic skills that you need to master to accomplish all your goals of growing these wonderful plants. One of the most important techniques in caring for these exotic flowers is to water orchids correctly.

Providing the correct amount of moisture content will result in beautiful, colorful, and magnificent flowers that you can be proud of and show everybody your new found hobby. That is what I am going to discuss in this article, how to dampen them correctly.

One Important and Common Mistake That You Must Avoid at All Costs

One thing you need to know when it’s time to give your plants some more water is every species of these plants has a basic type of process in order to thrive. What I mean by this is that although every type is different and requires different frequencies there are some basic skills to properly supplying enough liquid for any one that you would like to grow.

One mistake that people make when they try to take care of these delicate plants is over-watering them. Many are under the assumption that since they are predominantly found in tropical climates that they need to be consistently moistened. This is simply not true and you need to be careful when applying the correct amount to ensure healthy leaves and flowers.

Here is The First Technique That Can Easily Be Applied To Your Flowers Immediately

One method you can use for this important and specific task is actually letting the plants’ medium to dry out. This is a rare strategy that many people don’t utilize enough and can help the health and vitality of all your plants. Drying out the soil will also reduce the chance of the roots of your plant from getting infected with any diseases or fungi that could potentially harm them.

If you are using this method I would recommend watching your orchids for any sudden changes and if it start to wilt make sure to give it some H2O so that the soil is moist, but not damp. A moist soil is what you should be aiming for when you begin this activity.

Understanding When it is Time for You To Add Water to Your


Another excellent way for checking to see if your plants need an extra soaking is to measure the weight of your plant when you add liquid to them. Make a mental note of how heavy your plant at that moment. When the soil begins to look dry or maybe you need to supply them with some more pick up your pots again and test the weight.

If it feels like it has lost some weight then it may mean that your plants need some more. Supplying them with enough moisture to keep the soil moist and avoid making the medium damp is exactly what you should be aiming for.

These are some tips to keep in mind when you water orchids in your home or garden. Keep these strategies in mind whenever you begin taking care of them now or in the future. Remember that by giving your plants exactly what they need will result in beautiful flowers that will brighten your home.