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Your Guide To Simple Oncidium Orchid Care

Oncidium encompasses about 400 species of orchids with sizes and shapes that vary greatly. They are generally found in tropical climates. This organism is a great choice for a beginner. With proper care it develops quickly and will produce beautiful blooms.

Here are Some Basic Facts

The Oncidium genus contains a diverse assortment of plants. Leaves may be thin and shaped like pencils in the rat-tail variety or thick and leathery in the mule-ear type. Larger plants produce dramatic blooms, while the smaller selections have dainty charming flowers. In general, the plants grow to a height of 6-12 inches.

This plant is a sympodial orchid. Potted sympodials grow along their growing media, sometimes with horizontal stems. Plant growth can resemble fingers across the surface of the media, splitting and creating multiple buds and flowers. If mounted, one of these will grow in any direction.

Potting Needs

Bark based potting mixes are best for these types of plants. As with others, proper watering is the key to growing a robust plant. Choose an inorganic media to add to your bark, such as pearlite, to ensure appropriate drainage.

Clay or plastic pots may be used. Check the surface of the growing media prior to adding water when using plastic containers. Delay watering if the media is still slightly moist. Plastic pots are nonporous and hold on to water. Adequate drainage holes or a mesh bottom will help you prevent over watering. Clay or terra cotta pots are porous and will allow media to dry efficiently. Watch for salt buildup from hard water or fertilizers in these pots as this can cause extensive root damage. It will appear white on the edges of the pot or across the top of your growing media.

While Oncidium thrive in containers, they also adapt well to mounting on well washed wood or tree fern.

Temperature and Light

Oncidium grow best in intermediate conditions and can reap the benefits of being placed outside in the summer. In warmer climates, they can flourish outside all year long. Inside, several hours of direct or indirect sunlight will promote healthy growth. Monitor the leaves of your Oncidium for evidence of too much or too little light and adjust accordingly.

Species and Hybrids

Oncidium Ampliatum

– has a dramatic foliage display of 15 inch long leaves. Long sprays of diminutive yellow flowers bloom in the spring. This species grows well indoors and prefers intermediate to warm temperatures.

Oncidium Carthagenense

– is a mule-ear Oncidium. The large, thick leaves can be 6-24 inches in length. Tiny ruffled purple and white flowers bloom in summer.

Oncidium Cheirophorums

– only grows to 4 inches tall. Thin, short leaves accent the vivid yellow fragrant blossoms that grow in clusters. This plant blooms in fall and winter.

Oncidium Gower Ramsey hybrid

– is a good choice for gardeners new to growing orchids. Easy to grow on a sunny windowsill, this plant is not picky about its growing medium. This variety will produce many tiny dazzling yellow flowers, even on young plants.

Oncidium Sharry Baby

– has a distinctly unique fragrance. It smells like white chocolate! This hybrid grows well and produces many blooms.

Whatever variety you choose; these fragrant beauties will be stunning when you give them exactly what they need.

Where To Find Cheap Orchids

Orchids are amazing flowers to have in your home with their bright colored blooms and their uniqueness of being grown in your home. You have the information you need to properly grow these exotic flowers and now you want to know how to get your hands on some cheap ones that you can have flourishing in your home.

There are several places where you can purchase inexpensive flowers including online, stores, garden shops, shows, and even local greenhouses. In this article I am going to go through some of the best places to check out in order to get the best deal on these wonderful flowers so you too can appreciate and enjoy their beauty and color.

A Few Facts About Purchasing Orchids

One thing you need to know about these flowers is that they can sometimes be very expensive if you don’t know where to look. You can either buy them from seeds or already grown inside of specially made pots.

If you want pay a good price for these plants that will give you the best bang for your buck then it is better for you to buy them already grown inside of pots. This is the most popular choice for many new beginners to this wonderful hobby.

Locate Your Local Garden Shop

The first place you should check out for good deals on these plants is your local garden shop. These places are great because this will give you an idea of what you will be paying for these flowers. These places also include stores such as Home Depot, Lowes, and other outlets that have a garden section during the summertime. Although you might find them here it is very unlikely to get any help or advice about these unique tropical plants.

Local Greenhouses are Great Places to Buy Them

The next best thing for finding cheap orchid flowers is to take a ride and look for some greenhouse in your neighborhood. Most towns and rural areas have greenhouses that may be of some service if you are looking for these types of plants. If you find a greenhouse or nursery that has them for sale then this will probably be the best place for beginners to get these types of flowers.

Most people that work in these greenhouses can give you some helpful tips for growing your specific kind of flower that you plan on cultivating in your home. These places can be a very great resource not only for beginners, but for all types of growing skill levels.


If an orchid show comes to your area then you should take a trip to go check it out for hundreds of different species of these plants. If you are looking for less popular flowers then these shows can be a great place for information.

You probably won’t find them here because most of these shows will display the best of the best including rare types and will cost much money for the average person. Many people in these shows can also give you a very good idea of where else to look in order to get these flowers at a great bargain and where they get theirs from.

Ordering Them Online

The last place that you can purchase cheap orchids is through the internet. Many people think that with shipping and handling that it is not worth purchasing these exotic flowers.

The exact opposite is true because most places will guarantee that your flowers will be delivered healthy or your money back. There is no other place that will give you this great guarantee, so it is a great way to get the exact type of species that you are looking for.

What Causes Yellow Orchid Leaves and How To Prevent Them From Ruining Your Flowers

Orchid species that are typically bathed in sunlight, or grow in areas which are dry and arid, have thick, very leathery leaves, whereas species that live in shaded areas have long, thin leaves.

The leaves on them generally live for several years, while others shed them annually and grow new ones.

What symptoms is your plant displaying?

  • Are the leaves turning yellow?
  • Do they turn yellow and drop?
  • Do they have any Black Rot? (leaves turn black and watery)

One of the most common ailments with these flowers is the presence of yellow orchid leaves. It could be just a sign that your plant is suffering from old age or it could be something more serious. Don’t worry if it’s only happening to the oldest leaves as they could be just drying off. The leaves tell you a great deal about the overall health of the plant, so it’s important to take note of any changes.

Fungal Infections

If you see irregular bright spots on the leaves, this may be the result of a fungal infection, but does not turn the whole leaf to a goldenrod color. The state of the leaves can tell you a great deal about the overall health of the orchid.

Excess Sunlight

One of the most common causes of yellow leaves is too much light. If you have these plants outside, especially where it’s in the midday sun, it can actually have burn spots on the leaves.

Move the plant to an area of filtered light and it will recover in no time. The leaves, however, will stay blonde and will not turn back to the bright green color. You’ll have bright green leaves again once the plant has recovered and there’s new growth.

Cold Temperatures Causing Sickly Leaves

Another reason for yellowing leaves is cold weather. Orchids do not like the cold so move them away from windows or areas where they are likely to be in a draft. If you have them outside, make sure you bring them inside if the temperature drops below 50 degrees F. They need humidity to promote growth, but remember also that high humidity can cause fungus to grow. The ideal temperature for these flowers to thrive is between 75-90 degrees F during the day and no lower than 55 degrees F at night.

Excess Watering Should Also Be Taken Into Consideration

Although not usually the case, too much watering can also cause yellowing of the leaves, but there will also be evidence of Black Rot as well. The only species that prefers constant damp conditions, is the Vandas, whereas the majority prefer to dry out in between watering. If your plant happens to be one in the majority, don’t water for a week or two and treat the plant with an anti-fungal preparation.

Make sure that the environment surrounding your orchids is toxin free, as fumes from products such as paint or cleaning fluids can also cause yellowing of the leaves.

Not Enough Nitrogen in Planting Medium

Do you have enough nitrogen in your fertilizer? Your plant could be suffering from a nitrogen deficiency which is also a cause for discolored leaves. Repot the plant if you think it’s necessary, and allow the orchid to establish a new root system. Once established, apply a nitrogen-based feed at regular intervals.

While waiting for new roots to develop, feed the foliage on a regular watering cycle of once every two weeks, misting the foliage so that minute water droplets cover the leaves like dew. This will return the foliage to a healthy green.

What Are The Typical Orchid Diseases and Pests That Could Affect Your Plant?

If you take good care of your orchids, then it should be easy to spot if there is a problem.

These flowers are beautiful, so if there are any signs of disease you will spot it on the flowers first. What symptoms should you look for?

  • Spotting on the flowers
  • Flowers with puncture marks
  • Mottled coloring on the flowers
  • Bruised Flowers
  • Flowers are wilting at a rapid pace

You may also find that the leaves are suffering too and the tell-tale symptoms are the changes in color from green to black, brown, yellow or a reddish color.

Once you’ve established that your plant has an illness, it’s time to find the cause and treat it quickly so that you don’t lose your plant. There are a number of pests which can infect your plants.


Aphids can cause most of the problems with your plant, as they are a sucking insect and inject their mouth parts into the plant to suck up sugars and proteins. One of the first signs is a collection of tan-colored skins on the plant.

They also cause the flowers and buds to be deformed and the leaves will be covered in honeydew. To treat them, you can either brush them off or spray with water, but do it a few times to make sure you have eliminated all of them. Although these are not orchid diseases these pests can definitely spread them through cuts that they have incurred.

Spider Mites

Spider Mites are very difficult to find and you’ll need a magnifying glass to find them. These pests move rapidly, so if you see yellow, green or red specks on the lower leaves or stippling on the leaves, flowers or buds, then your plant is infested. The only way to get rid of them is to wash the entire plant and wipe every leaf. This will ensure that the chance of getting your plants infected is reduced.

White Flies

White Flies are similar to Aphids in that they are also a sucking insect, although they’re smaller. Adult White Flies are small, white, waxy winged insects that fly off the plant as soon as they are disturbed. They tend to stay close together and often congregate at the top of the plant. Sticky yellow traps, Neem Oil or insecticides should get rid of them.

Mealy Bugs

Mealy Bugs have sucking mouthparts and are a soft-bodied insect. They cause the leaves to turn yellow and they drop early. Females can be up to 5mm and are oval shaped. They’re either white or whitish-pink in color and are generally covered in a white waxy substance. They used to be treated by painting the colonies with Methylated Spirits, but these days insecticides are more prevalent.

Scale Insects

Scale Insects attack the sap in the plant and in large numbers turn the foliage yellow and can even destroy it. There are two types of insect, a soft-bodied and a hard-bodied, the most common being the soft-bodied which can measure up to 3-5mm long. They are green to brown in color, oval shaped and have a flattened appearance. Spray with an insecticide to eradicate them and prevent many viruses.

Fungus Gnats

Fungus Gnats are also very common and their larvae grow in potting mediums which are either too warm, too wet or decaying too rapidly. To avoid them infesting your plant and avoiding many diseases, allow the potting medium to dry out between watering. The Fungus Gnat is very small being between 1.5mm-3mm in length. They are dark in color, have long legs, long antennae and have grey to black wings. Yellow Sticky Cards can be used to catch these pests.

Root Rot

Root Rot is one of the most common orchid diseases that can occur on all your plants. If the roots are grey and empty inside then your plant is infected. Remove the plant from the pot, rinse off all the potting medium, and remove the roots with a sterilized cutting knife or blade. Immerse the whole plant in a fungicide for approximately 15 minutes and then let the plant dry out completely. Repot with fresh potting medium and don’t water for 2-3 days.

This is a list of some probable causes of illnesses which can occur, and the main thing to remember is to isolate the sick plants so that you don’t risk the health of your other plants.

Watering Orchids Correctly With These Simple Strategies

In order to have thriving orchids that last all year round there are some basic skills that you need to master to accomplish all your goals of growing these wonderful plants. One of the most important techniques in caring for these exotic flowers is to water orchids correctly.

Providing the correct amount of moisture content will result in beautiful, colorful, and magnificent flowers that you can be proud of and show everybody your new found hobby. That is what I am going to discuss in this article, how to dampen them correctly.

One Important and Common Mistake That You Must Avoid at All Costs

One thing you need to know when it’s time to give your plants some more water is every species of these plants has a basic type of process in order to thrive. What I mean by this is that although every type is different and requires different frequencies there are some basic skills to properly supplying enough liquid for any one that you would like to grow.

One mistake that people make when they try to take care of these delicate plants is over-watering them. Many are under the assumption that since they are predominantly found in tropical climates that they need to be consistently moistened. This is simply not true and you need to be careful when applying the correct amount to ensure healthy leaves and flowers.

Here is The First Technique That Can Easily Be Applied To Your Flowers Immediately

One method you can use for this important and specific task is actually letting the plants’ medium to dry out. This is a rare strategy that many people don’t utilize enough and can help the health and vitality of all your plants. Drying out the soil will also reduce the chance of the roots of your plant from getting infected with any diseases or fungi that could potentially harm them.

If you are using this method I would recommend watching your orchids for any sudden changes and if it start to wilt make sure to give it some H2O so that the soil is moist, but not damp. A moist soil is what you should be aiming for when you begin this activity.

Understanding When it is Time for You To Add Water to Your


Another excellent way for checking to see if your plants need an extra soaking is to measure the weight of your plant when you add liquid to them. Make a mental note of how heavy your plant at that moment. When the soil begins to look dry or maybe you need to supply them with some more pick up your pots again and test the weight.

If it feels like it has lost some weight then it may mean that your plants need some more. Supplying them with enough moisture to keep the soil moist and avoid making the medium damp is exactly what you should be aiming for.

These are some tips to keep in mind when you water orchids in your home or garden. Keep these strategies in mind whenever you begin taking care of them now or in the future. Remember that by giving your plants exactly what they need will result in beautiful flowers that will brighten your home.

Various Types of Orchid Pots

If you plan on growing your orchid plants in your home then you are going to need to choose the correct pots in order to have these flowers blooming and flourishing for as long as possible.

There are many factors that you need to know about in finding the container for these plants to live inside of and in this article you will learn about the various types that you can get for your plants right now. Here you will discover the several options you will have and what are the best ones for your specific plant right now.

Plastic Pots

The most popular container that you can use in your new hobby is plastic. There are many reasons they are so popular, but the main reason is that they are available in most stores and they are very cheap. You don’t need to spend much money on these types which makes this hobby much more fun and forgiving.

You should always make sure that the particular plastic container you purchase has various holes for drainage and air circulation that you flowers will need to have for healthy blooms. If they are not equipped with holes on the sides and bottom then you should look for another pot until you find the right one.

Terra Cotta Pots

If you are a serious gardener and like growing orchids you may decide on the unique terra cotta pots that are also available in select stores in your neighborhood. If you are a person that likes giving their plants lots of water or if you are having problems with your flowers becoming water logged then this may be the right type container for you to use.

They tolerate much more water because the material that these pots are made out of will evaporate water much more quickly and have better drainage than any other types that are available for you to purchase.

Basket Orchid Pots

This is an unusual type of container that can be used within your home by hanging it from a window sill or other place in your home. These can also be hung outside of your home or in shady areas where your flowers will like to thrive for healthy and beautiful blooms. You can find these types of containers to be made of various materials such as metal wire, wood, or even sometimes potter material.

They will provide your flowers with much more air circulation and better drainage than plastic pots. Although these are great for these types of flowers they will cost much more than plastic pots that are found in most stores. You will also have to search for basket pots and are only found is specific garden outlets.

Other Facts about These Pots

The roots of these flowers can sometimes grow right through the drainage holes making it difficult for repotting correctly. You will have to try and avoid this from occurring if you want to keep these plants around for years to come. These are just some simple facts that you will need to know about the correct orchid pots for these exotic flowers.

Various Species of Epidendrum Orchids and How To Easily Care for Them

With its fragrant blooms and abundant flowering, Epidendrum is nice choice for a beginning orchid enthusiast.

Some Facts Regarding These Unique Flowers

Epidendrums encompass over 1,000 species throughout the world. Native to South America, Central America, Mexico, Florida, and the Caribbean. They live in a wide variety of habitats. They are able to thrive both at sea level like Hawaii orchids and the high elevations of the Andes Mountains. Interestingly, they can survive as well in a humid tropical setting as on a sun-drenched grassy slope.

This plant is a sympodial flower. Potted sympodial types grow along their growing media, often with horizontal stems. The plant growth can resemble a hand across the surface of the media, splitting and creating multiple buds and flowers. If mounted, a sympodial one will grow in any direction.

Potting Needs

As with most types, these flowers require thorough watering, especially in hot weather. Ensure that you are using growing media that drains well, such as fir bark with Pearlite. They aren’t very picky when it comes to their potting mix as long as there is good drainage.

Selecting the proper container to be used is an important step that you must take. Plastic or clay pots may be used. If using plastic containers, check the surface of your growing media before watering. Plastic pots are nonporous and retain water. They should contain adequate drainage holes or a mesh bottom to prevent overwatering. Clay pots are porous and as such allow media to dry effectively. With clay pots, watch for salt buildup from hard water or fertilizers as this can cause extensive root damage.

Temperature and Light

They also prefer temperatures from 60-90°F with a drop in temperature and light at night. Daytime sun coupled with midday shade will promote healthy growth.

Where to Plant

These varieties can grow from 6 inches to 6 feet in height. Because of their tendency to grow tall, they are perfect for garden or greenhouse environments. If you want to grow one of these flowers in your home, you may want to consider a hybrid that is more compact.

Species and Hybrids

There are over 1,000 known species of Epidendrum. Here are a few samples that you can choose today.


– These plants grow to approximately one foot tall. With large, fragrant green and white flowers, Epi. ciliare are a stunning addition to any collection. This variety blooms in winter and is quite easy to grow.


– This is a very gorgeous species for anyone to begin growing. Stunning small white flowers have a distinctive long fringed lip that is simply amazing to look at. The wonderful thing about this plant is that it continues to produce blooms both on its new and old stems. Don’t remove old spikes until they are brown as they will continue to provide you with lovely flowers year after year.

Plastic Doll

– Here is a simple hybrid with green petals and vivid yellow sepals. Growing to a height of about 2 feet, the flowers grow in pendant clusters of three to five blooms.

Epidendrum Costa Rica

– This species features lovely 1.5 inch flowers. Orange spotted sepals and petals are set off by a muted purple lip. This hybrid generally grows 2-3 feet tall.


– Vibrant orange and red flowers cover this unique plant. Recognized by the American Orchid Society, this plant is especially temperature tolerant. It can begin flowering at 1 foot in height, but will continue to grow to several feet.

Whatever variety of Epidendrum you choose, you are certain to enjoy the beauty of this amazing orchid.

Vanda Orchids Reward Owners With Gorgeous Blooms

If you’ve ever seen orchids associated with an advertisement for the Far East, chances are those flowers belonged to the Vanda genus. Vandas are widespread in Asia and they are actually the national flower of Singapore!

And outside of their native environments, these plants are becoming popular imported flowers. All over the world, they are one of the most commonly used orchids for commercial undertakings and are quickly becoming a popular wedding and decorative flower as well.

Locating These Interesting Flowers

The genus name “Vanda” is a testament to their antiquity; it means “orchid” in Sanskrit. They are found on trees and rocks throughout India, China, Indonesia and the Pacific Islands. There are about 50 species of this type, including the rare and highly prized Coerulea, a naturally bluish-purple flower. Despite this exception, most of them are yellow or brown in color; there are types that are green, white and pink tinged, but yellow is by far the signature shade of this genus.

Using a Support System To Keep Your Plants Thriving

Most of them are monopodial, which means they grow upward in one, straight shoot. The large majority of these flowers will adapt well to indoor life in a pot, although there are a few species that will not bloom indoors.

If you keep these species indoors, it will most likely need a support system to help it remain upright. They will grow little by little, adding a few new leaves each year. They are also known to bloom fairly regularly–every two to three months–and the flowers last for at least two weeks. Most of them produce multiple flat flowers at the same time on one stem.

Understanding The Exact Care You Need To Provide To Your Plants Today

Caring for these flowers takes a certain amount of skill, so this varietal may not be a good choice for a first-time buyer. They enjoy higher levels of humidity than most other kinds; you will have to make an active effort to keep the air moist enough for the flower to thrive.

Placing a humidifier near your plant will do the trick, but these machines can be costly and unsightly. Alternatively, you could mist your plant a few times each day or place the pot atop a bed of rocks resting in water. If you use this last method, make sure you avoid direct contact between water and roots.

Large Amounts of Light That They Will Thrive With

They like bright light every day. A good method for ensuring your plants get enough sunlight is to put it near an unobstructed window every morning, then move the plant after lunch to a shadier location. It’s not a good idea to leave any of these flowers in direct sunlight for too long; although they enjoy light, too much can still harm them.

The Best Nutrients and Soil That Should Be Used

Since most of them are epiphytes, a mix of moss, tree bark and nutrients will be the best substrate for them. Look for an epiphyte blend at your local garden store. Specialty substrates like this one can be pricey, but you’ll only have to repot them every year or two, so the cost is negligible in the long run.

If you’re interested in a Vanda orchid but want a specific color, think about finding a hybrid plant. Many hybrids are beautiful shades of blue and purple. Whatever you choose, be mindful that they take time to mature and can be difficult to raise. If you grow them correctly, however, you’ll get a big payoff–multiple year-round blooms.

Using The Silk Orchid Flower For Any Decorative Ocassion

Today, with the high price of orchids, more and more people are starting to take a look at silk ones as a viable option to the real thing. This is even true among brides. It is no longer taboo to decorate a church with these flowers or to walk down the aisle carrying them. These precious items are a thing of beauty. Whether it is a single flower or a bouquet, you will be able to find something suitable.

The Fixation of Artificial Orchids

Many people are drawn to artificial flowers in particular because they love beautiful blooms and they don’t like the fact that the live flowers die. You will never have that problem with silk flowers. They are going to be the same beautiful colors–orange, yellow, red, white, pink, purple, etc.–but they are never going to fade or die. Green foliage will always be green even if you a person who over-waters or under-waters if you are given a real plant.

What These Exotic Organisms Represent

They represent love and hope and are a symbol of purity. Just as there are over twenty-five thousand different types, each with its own splendor, so it is with these species you can find infinite variety and just about any combination that you desire. You can get one single long-stem one or a large bunch of colors that complement one another.

Using Artificial Orchids for Any Occasion

Today you might see a bride carrying one single flower or many. It is not at all unusual and even a little bit in vogue for a bride to carry one flower. They represent refinement and a sense of purity. They bring a certain amount of joy to any occasion. It doesn’t have to be anything nearly as large as a wedding. Silk orchid flowers can change the disposition of any room in your home simply by their presence.

Which Types are More Common Used as Decorations?

Phalaenopsis and Cymbidiums are often used in decorative bouquets. It is no wonder that the most popular types would also be the most desired among these artificial ones. In this case, your fake Cymbidium and Phalaenopsis will never droop or wilt. They also won’t ever need to be repotted or rotated between inside and outside locations because of weather concerns.

Making These Unique and Detailed Flowers

Making these silk imitations is really an art. Today it can be done with such accuracy that the difference of the look between an artificial flower and a live one is not even immediately obvious. They can be very soft and delicate-looking. And, the truth is that they are rarely made of this material anymore. They are made of chemical composites just like everything else in the world from sports equipment to clothing.

Some of The Benefits of Using These Synthetic Flowers

One of these flowers is not only trouble-free when it comes to flower maintenance, it is also the preference of people who are trying to “go green,” or limit as much as possible their use of and pollution of our natural resources. No soil or water are used in fake plants and perhaps, more importantly, no synthetic fertilizers to help the plants to grow and no pesticides or other chemicals to rid them of insects and diseases.

If you are unfamiliar with what can be accomplished today in terms of producing silk orchid flowers, go check them out either at flower shops or online. You will be truly amazed at the changes that have taken place just in the last decade to make them look alive.

Using The Best Orchid Soil For Thriving Flowers

One of the reasons that some people think orchids are hard to grow is that they do not grow in regular plant potting soil. Anyone who has not done some research on them or asked enough questions when buying one, could end up easily killing a orchid by applying normal soil/potting methods instead of using proper soil or mixes.

These organisms are epiphytes, and are sometimes referred to as air plants to denote the fact that their roots are not supposed to be packed into soil but left free to air circulation. In their natural environment, such as in the rain forest, they grow on the trunks and branches of trees. They can even grow along the ground with their roots never entering the ground.

Air Circulation at The Core of Producing Vibrant Blossoms

The only reason one of these plants needs anything in its pot at all is really to hold it upright. That is why the materials or medium used to grow them is very light and very porous. There needs to be air circulation around the roots at all times or the plant will never flower. That means that any growing mixture which buries the roots is going to kill the plant.

After people have been growing orchids for a while, they all develop individual recipes which they consider are just right for their planting medium. All of the different substances used in these mixtures have advantages and disadvantages. It really depends on the varieties you are growing and your personal preferences.

Some Things To Do When First Starting To Grow These Plants

One of the best things to do when you are just starting out in this activity is to talk to other people who grow and breed them. They are usually a friendly bunch who will be happy to talk to you about the ins and outs of different substances. Among the most used media for orchids are fir bark chips and redwood bark chips. Most gardeners usually combine at least two or three kinds of soil, such as mixing together fir bark, granular charcoal and sifted perlite.

Organic Materials are Best for This Activity

Also used for cultivating or planting them are coconut fiber or coconut chips, osmunda fiber, clay pellets, and chipped rock. Sphagnum moss and peat moss are also used, but usually with kinds that have a particular need for more moisture. Both of these were used a lot more before the various barks which allowed better air circulation were discovered.

The Importance of Looking at The Size of The Materials

Another consideration when growing them is the size of the pieces used in the medium. Larger chunks allow for more drainage and air, while smaller ones keep in more moisture. If you are just beginning or are the kind of person who tends to over-water plants, start out with something like fir bark chips. You can always change your preferences as you go along. Cork and wood are often used to mount orchids outside.

Some Problems That May Occur When Growing These Plants

If your soil does not have the right texture and water is retained in the medium, what you may notice is that the leaves of the plant start to turn yellow or the bulb starts to shrivel. These are signs of your medium being too wet, but sometimes they are misinterpreted as meaning the plant needs more water. This is the worst thing to do as more water will rot the roots and kill the plant.

Should you have problems these, there are books that can help as well as many forums on the internet dedicated to this subject which you may find useful. Most of the people in these forums are more than happy to answer your questions about anything related to these flowers.